
Happy New Year from JustAC


Happy New Year to all the Justac players! It's a great honor for us to run this game and unite players from all over the world who speak different language and with different culture. We appreciate this precious chance and will try our best to work on it.

In the last year, we fixed lots of bugs, blocked illegal glitch and also made huge updates like Infornum map. Maybe in people's eyes, these are too tiny to mention, however, to us every step is great challenge. We can truly feel our worries, sweat and even tears when look back. Thank you, thank you guys company us go through 2015.

We are clear that this Justac is still not good enough to our loyal players, to us. In the future 2016 we will continue add more new to game like new items, new maps and new monsters. Providing new play and new updates will also be our main work in 2016. Like we announced before, we will try our best to run this game to company its loyal players as long as we are too old to work for it. At the same time, we also want to filld it with new blood to keep it as young as a handsome guy. What we are doing is not only a MMORPG but also following a dream or faith. We want to make it best, we want to make our players the happiest and we can.

All the best to you, you and you! We love you, we believe you will harvest what you want in 2016.

Thank you again.

JustAC Team


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